Vote JUP AG is part of the governance process in Jupiter on which path the community wants to take the Jupiverse. Staking your JUP and participating in DAO proposals via voting to earn Active Staking Rewards.
In this guide I'll show you how to stake, vote, and get your rewards.
Total Staked JUP and Unique Address
In these tabs it's show how much total JUPs are currently staked on Vote JUP AG and how many unique addresses staked those JUPs.
1. These tabs are important to determine if the DAO is growing.
2. These will also determine how many people are committed to the DAO by staking their JUPs.

Active Staking Rewards (ASR)
Active Staking Rewards or ASR are the rewards you can get for actively participating in DAO proposals.

1. In this tab you can see how much JUPs are allocated for the ASR including the other rewards ike Launchpad Fees.
2. The rewards are not in fixed value and it depends on your staked JUPs. Means you must actively participating on voting in order to increase your possible rewards.
3. ASR especially JUPs will be in staked status once claimed. Rewards claiming guide will be explained later in this guide.
Voting Power
Your voting powers will depend on how much JUPs did you staked. 1 JUP = 1 voting power. This will also determine how much you can get on ASR per vote.
1. Increasing the JUPs you staked means increasing your power = increasing the possible rewards.
2. Even higher voting power means higher possible rewards you should use your voting power efficiently..
3. Our voting powers will determine the possible path that the Jupiverse will take. Let's read the proposal properly and vote the best option we think will bring the best possible outcome for the Jupiverse.

Staking Amount Tab
In this tab you can stake your JUP. The more JUPs you stake the more voting power you will have.
1. Click the Text Box
2. Input the Amount you want to stake
3. Click Stake Button and confirm the transaction.

1. If an error like "Simulation error" popup, just cancel the transaction again.
2. Make sure you have at least or more than 0.02 SOL but higher would be much better for future purposes.
3. Staking your JUPs means it will take 30 days commitments. Means the unstaking will take 30days before you can get your JUPs.
Proposals Tab
In this tab you can see all the Active and Completed proposals. You can vote on proposals with Active status.
1. Click the Proposal with Active status to vote.
2. Check the next step.

1. You can check your previous voted proposals if you want to review.
2. Status will only changed into "Completed" once the proposal reaches the final day of the voting.
3. Voted Tab will show you if you voted to the current and past proposals. Check status means yes. "-" means you either missed or didn't voted successfully.
Proposal Details
In this tab it will show you the initial details of the proposal. This will include what's the proposal is about.
1. You can click the "View Full Proposal" at the bottom to read the whole research post for the proposal. It will help you to understand the whole details about the current proposal.
2. Make sure to read the proposal so you can vote the option that you think is the best for the Jupiverse.
3. Any options will give the same Rewards but it doesn't mean you can will just vote randomly. Let's help the Jupiverse grow strong together by voting the best for it <3

Casting your Vote
In this tab you can start casting your vote by choosing the option you want to vote.
1. Choose the Option you want to vote.
2. Click the Vote Button
3. Click the Confirm

1. After confirming the transaction you will see the "Cast Your Vote" tab will changed into "You Voted" status. That means you voted successfully.
2. Before confirming the transaction check if there's no error. If Simulation Error or something popup, just click Cancel and try again.
Progress Tab
In this tab it will show you the current status of the active Proposal and the past status of the Completed proposals.
1. There's a minimum of 60M JUPs threshold means there should be at least 60M JUP Powers voted in order to make the proposal valid whether it's passes or not.
2. You can also check the days, hours, and minutes left before the voting will end so you can still plan your vote if you can't vote right now.
3. Other details will change once the voting ended so you don't have to worry if it's just giving you "Activated" status. That status is for the voting status not your voted status.