
Trigger allows the users to place an order to buy or sell the tokens they want at specific prices they want.

I want to buy or sell a JUP worth of 5 USDC. But, I don't want the $0.84 instead I want the order to trigger and buy it at $0.5 each.
So I will set a limit order 5 USDC to buy JUP at $0.5 each. Check the guide below.

There's a $5 minimum order and 0.1% platform fee using the Limit Order.

  1. Selling Tab

In this tab it's asking you which token you want to place for selling or swapping using the limit order.

1. Click the drop down menu
2. Choose the token you want to sell. In this guide I'll use USDC to buy JUP.
3. Input the amount you want to sell or swap.

1. Make sure to double check the token you want to sell.

2. on input amount box you can choose half or max so it will automatically input the half or maximum amount you have for that token.

  1. Buying Tab

In this tab it's asking you which token you want to receive after triggering your Limit Order.

1. Click the drop down menu
2. Choose the token you want to receive. In this guide I'll use JUP.

1. The amount you will receive will be automatically reflected depending on the token price you set it up.

2. Make sure to check the total amount you will going to receive to avoid some issue once you executed the transaction.

  1. Price Rate Tab

In this tab it's asking you the specific price you want it to buy or sell the token you set on You're Selling Tab.

1. Click or double click the price and change it to the price you want.

1. If you noticed the percentage in the parenthesis, it's the difference between the current price and the price you set it up.

2. Make sure to double or triple check the . (dot/point) and the zeros you're inputting in the rate tab.

3. Again, check the price you inputted!

  1. Expiry Tab

In this tab it's asking you how long you wanted the order to last. If you choose 1 day then then order will expire after 24hrs of placing the order.

1. Click the Drop Down menu
2. Choose the Minute/s, hour/s, or day/s you want the order to last.

1. if you're not in rush, the safest choice is Never.

2. You can input a custom if you don't want the Never but 7days is not enough. Just use the 24 hrs each day then multiply how many days you want it to last.

  1. Placing Limit Order

After setting up everything it's time to place an order. The button should be availble to click now.

1. Click the Place Limit Order Button
2. Double check the details and click confirm

1. Make sure to check one more time if the estimated value of the token you will sell/swap is correct.

2. Sometimes an error might happen so if the simulation error popup or another type of issue just cancel the transaction and click the swap button again then check.